Say Goodbye to Harmful Chemicals with Non-Toxic Laundry Softener

non toxic laundry softener

If you're concerned about the safety of your laundry products, there are plenty of natural alternatives that you can use instead of traditional laundry scent boosters. One simple option is to add a few drops of essential oils to your laundry detergent. Lavender, peppermint, and lemon are all great options that can give your clothes a fresh, natural scent without the use of harsh chemicals


As an eco-friendly mom, I have always been very choosy when it comes to laundry products. With so many chemicals and toxins in traditional laundry care products, I have spent time researching and trying out different non-toxic laundry detergents and fabric softeners. Recently, I stumbled upon a non-toxic laundry softener that has easily made it to the top of my list - Fabric Conditioner Refill by Big Green Smile.

The Natural Fabric Softener has all the properties that I look for in a laundry product. It is an eco-refillable laundry softener that comes in a large 5L refill, making it an excellent choice for a family on a budget. Has a gentle and plant-based formula that can be used with non-biological laundry detergent. It's made using essential oils that make the laundry smell lovely while leaving the clothes feeling soft and fluffy without any synthetic fragrances or chemical residues.

Apart from being a safe and effective product, it's also a great way to reduce waste, since I can reuse the same bottle for refills, making it an eco-friendly choice as well. My clothes come out of the wash feeling and smelling great, all while knowing that I'm not harming the planet or my family. If you're in the market for an effective, natural fabric softener that's gentle on skin and kind to the environment, Fabric Conditioner Refill by Big Green Smile is definitely worth a try.

Benefits of using Non-Toxic Laundry Softener

As someone who cares about the well-being of our planet and the health of my family, I recently switched to a non-toxic laundry softener and saw numerous benefits. Here are some of the advantages of using a natural fabric softener:

1. Eco-Friendly

Non-toxic laundry softeners are eco-friendly and do not contain any harmful chemicals that are often found in traditional softeners. These eco-friendly liquid softeners are usually formulated using plant-based ingredients that are gentle on both fabrics and the environment.

2. Safe for Sensitive Skin

Traditional laundry products often contain chemicals that can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. Natural fabric softeners, on the other hand, are free from harsh chemicals, making them suitable for sensitive skin. The use of non-biological detergents ensures that the softness comes from the natural ingredients rather than harsh chemical additives.

3. Refillable Option

Big Green Smile's 5L refill Fabric Conditioner makes it easy to keep laundry softeners topped up without having to constantly buy new bottles. This convenient eco refillable laundry option not only saves money, but it also reduces the amount of plastic waste that is sent to landfills.

4. Aromatherapy Benefits

Many non-toxic laundry softeners available today are infused with essential oils, which provide a light and pleasing scent to your laundry. These natural fragrances not only make your clothes smell great, but also provide aromatherapy benefits, which can enhance your mood and promote relaxation.

In conclusion, switching to a non-toxic laundry softener like the Big Green Smile Fabric Softener Refill can have numerous benefits ranging from being eco-friendly to being suitable for sensitive skin, while also possessing aromatherapy benefits.

How to Choose a Non-Toxic Laundry Softener

When selecting a laundry softener, it's important to consider the impact it might have on both your health and the environment. With the rise of eco-conscious consumers, it comes as no surprise that more and more non-toxic laundry softeners are being offered in the market. Here's what to look for when choosing a non-toxic laundry softener:

Check the Label

Always read the label before purchasing any laundry detergent or fabric softener. Look for products that are explicitly stated as β€œnon-toxic” or β€œeco-friendly”. It’s important to avoid products that contain harsh chemicals that can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. Making the switch to a natural fabric softener can greatly reduce the occurrence of such reactions.

Avoid Synthetic Fragrances

Synthetic fragrances and phthalates are often used in laundry detergents and fabric softeners to give them a pleasant scent. However, these additives can be incredibly harmful to the environment and to our health. Opt for laundry detergents and fabric softeners that use essential oils for a natural, subtle fragrance.

Choose a Non-Biological Detergent

Biological detergents contain enzymes that can be harmful to aquatic life and the ecosystem. They can also cause skin irritation in some individuals. Non-biological detergents provide an effective cleaning solution without relying on harsh chemicals. Pairing a non-biological detergent with an eco-friendly liquid fabric softener can make your laundry routine much healthier for you and the environment.

Eco-Refillable Laundry Softener

Consider investing in a refillable fabric conditioner to eliminate the use of single-use plastics found in most softener bottles. Big Green Smile offers an eco-friendly 5L fabric softener refill that can save you money and reduce your plastic waste.

By following these simple tips, you can take a step towards a healthier lifestyle and a healthier planet. Always double-check the label and choose natural fabric softeners or more eco-friendly options as much as possible when choosing your detergent and fabric softener.

DIY Recipes for Non-Toxic Laundry Softener

If you're looking for a safer and cheaper alternative to traditional fabric softeners, here are some easy DIY recipes for non-toxic laundry softeners to try:

By making your own non-toxic laundry softener, you can help reduce the amount of harmful chemicals that end up in our water systems. Plus, using eco-refillable laundry detergents and fabric softeners like those available at Big Green Smile can help reduce plastic waste and save money. Keep in mind that non-biological detergents are more environmentally friendly and natural fabric softeners are a greener alternative to their conventional counterparts.

In conclusion, making your own non-toxic laundry softener is inexpensive, easy, and good for the environment. Give these DIY recipes a try and see how much softer and fresher your laundry can be!

Eco-friendly alternatives to traditional laundry softeners

Traditional laundry softeners and fabric conditioners are often loaded with harmful chemicals that can impact your health and the environment. Instead of using these harmful products, consider switching to eco-friendly and non-toxic laundry softeners.

One alternative is a natural fabric softener made with essential oils. These products are often made with plant-based ingredients which not only soften your clothes but also leave a pleasant scent. I suggest trying the Fabric Conditioner Refill from Big Green Smile. It comes in a 5L eco-refillable laundry package, reducing waste, and is a great alternative to traditional fabric softeners.

Another tip is to opt for non-biological detergent. This type of laundry detergent does not contain enzymes making it a safer option for the environment. Non-biological detergent can work effectively to remove stains without the need for harsh chemicals.

If you prefer liquid fabric softener, I highly recommend the Non-Toxic Laundry Softener from Big Green Smile. This is another eco-friendly and natural option that contains minimal chemicals.

It's important to note that while these eco-friendly alternatives are great for the environment and your health, they may not work as effectively as traditional fabric softeners. Therefore, it's important to be mindful of what you're washing. For example, items like towels, jeans, and bed sheets don't necessarily need fabric softeners to feel soft.

In summary, making the switch to non-toxic laundry softeners is a great way to reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals, and create a more sustainable laundry routine. Consider giving natural fabric softeners and non-biological detergent a chance, and opt for eco-refillable laundry packages whenever possible.

Top Brands for Non-Toxic Laundry Softeners

As a firm believer in non-toxic laundry products, I have researched and tested various brands of fabric softener and non-toxic laundry detergents. The following are my top picks for the best non-toxic laundry softeners you can find in the market:


Big Green Smile is an eco-friendly brand known for its natural fabric softener, laundry detergent, and eco-refillable laundry products. Their focus is to provide exceptional cleaning while being kind to the environment. Their non-toxic laundry softener is formulated with essential oils to provide long-lasting freshness.


Eco-Friendly Living provides a non-toxic and eco-friendly solution to laundry softening. Their fabric conditioner refill is made from natural ingredients and is an alternative to traditional synthetic fabric softeners. Their liquid fabric softener comes in a 5L refill that helps reduce plastic waste.

3. BIO-D

Bio-D is another eco-friendly brand that offers non-toxic laundry products, including non-biological detergent and fabric softener. Their fabric softener is made with plant-based ingredients and organic essential oils to provide a natural fragrance that lasts.

When selecting a non-toxic laundry softener, it's important to pay attention to the ingredients in the product. Always opt for natural fabric softeners that are free of harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances. By choosing non-toxic laundry softeners, you are not only protecting the environment but also taking care of your clothes and skin.

Understanding the Ingredients in Laundry Softeners

As an expert in non-toxic laundry solutions, I understand the importance of using eco-friendly and natural fabric softeners. The ingredients in laundry softeners, be it in a liquid or fabric conditioner refill form, should not only make your clothes soft, but also be gentle on your skin and the environment.

One key ingredient found in many traditional fabric softeners is quaternary ammonium compounds, which can cause skin irritation and respiratory issues in sensitive individuals. These chemicals also pose a risk to aquatic life when they make their way into water systems after washing.

The good news is that there are many non-toxic laundry softeners available today, often made with naturally-derived ingredients such as essential oils. These natural fabric softeners can help maintain the softness of your clothes without exposing you or the environment to harsh chemicals.

Another consideration when choosing a laundry softener is the type of laundry detergent you use. Non-biological detergents do not contain enzymes, which can sometimes react negatively with certain fabric softeners and cause discoloration or damage to the fabric. If you prefer to use a non-biological detergent, be sure to choose a fabric softener that is specifically formulated for use with this type of detergent.

Additionally, eco-refillable laundry products like the 5L refill fabric softener offered by Big Green Smile not only save you money but also help reduce the environmental impact of packaging waste. With more and more people making a conscious effort to reduce their carbon footprint, eco-refillable laundry products are a natural choice for those seeking to reduce their impact.

To sum up, understanding the ingredients in your laundry softener is important for your health and the environment. Natural fabric softeners made with essential oils and free from harsh chemicals are the best choice for a non-toxic laundry routine. Consider pairing them with non-biological detergents and choosing eco-refillable options like the 5L refill from Big Green Smile for the ultimate sustainable laundry experience.

Tips for using non-toxic laundry softeners effectively

If you're looking for a safer alternative to chemical-laden fabric softeners, non-toxic laundry softeners can be a great choice. Here are a few tips to get the most out of your non-toxic fabric softener:

In conclusion, non-toxic laundry softeners can provide great benefits in terms of being safe for you and the environment. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that you're using them effectively and getting the most out of your laundry routine.

My Experience Using Non-Toxic Laundry Softeners

As someone who is always on the lookout for eco-friendly and non-toxic laundry products, I recently tried out a natural fabric softener that comes in a 5L refillable container. The product is called Non-Toxic Laundry Softener or Fabric Conditioner Refill and it's sold by Big Green Smile - a well-known supplier of eco-friendly cleaning products.

The non-toxic fabric softener is a liquid that can be used together with a laundry detergent, or as a separate product. I was impressed with how well it worked to soften my clothes, as well as make them smell great. The scent that my product came in was made from essential oils, and it was lovely and not overpowering.

One of the things that I also liked about this non-toxic laundry softener is that it doesn't leave any residue on my clothes like some other fabric softeners I've tried before. It also didn't give me any allergic reactions, which can often happen with commercial fabric softeners.

Since it comes in a 5L refillable container, I think that this non-toxic laundry softener is also very cost-effective and eco-friendly. It allows me to reduce my plastic waste and save money at the same time. The container is made from recycled plastic and it can easily be refilled when I run out of product, instead of having to buy a new container every time.

Lastly, I should mention that I often use a non-biological detergent together with this natural fabric softener, and they work well together. The non-toxic laundry softener doesn't affect the cleaning power of my laundry detergent but it still leaves my clothes feeling soft and smelling great.

Overall, I think that this non-toxic laundry softener or fabric conditioner refill is a great option for anyone who is looking for an eco-friendly and natural fabric softener that works well. It's kind to sensitive skin, reduces waste, and it smells divine.

Frequently asked questions about non-toxic laundry softeners

As an expert in eco-friendly laundry solutions, I often receive questions about non-toxic laundry softeners. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about natural fabric softeners and my answers to help you understand this product better:

What is a non-toxic laundry softener or fabric conditioner refill?

A non-toxic laundry softener or fabric conditioner refill is a liquid product used in the laundry wash cycle to make clothes feel softer and smell fresher. Unlike conventional laundry detergents and fabric softeners that contain harsh chemicals, non-toxic laundry softeners are made with natural and plant-based ingredients that are safe for the environment and gentle on your skin.

How does a non-toxic laundry softener work?

A natural fabric softener works by depositing a thin layer of natural oils or other emollients onto the fabric fibers, making them feel softer and more comfortable to the touch. In addition, some non-toxic laundry softeners also contain essential oils, which impart a pleasant and long-lasting fragrance to the clothes.

Why should I use a non-toxic laundry softener?

There are several benefits to using a non-toxic laundry softener. Firstly, it is a safe and eco-friendly alternative to conventional fabric conditioners that can pollute the environment and harm your health. Secondly, a non-toxic laundry softener can reduce static cling and wrinkles in your clothes, making them easier to iron and wear. Finally, if you have sensitive skin or allergies, using a non-toxic laundry softener can reduce the risk of skin irritation and allergic reactions.

Can I use a non-toxic laundry softener with any laundry detergent?

Yes, you can use a non-toxic laundry softener with any laundry detergent, including non-biological detergents. In fact, using a non-toxic laundry softener can enhance the cleaning power of your detergent by reducing mineral buildup in the fabric fibers. Just make sure to follow the instructions on the label for optimal results.

Where can I buy a non-toxic laundry softener or an eco refillable laundry 5L refill?

You can buy a non-toxic laundry softener or an eco refillable laundry 5L refill at your local health food store or online at eco-friendly retailers such as Big Green Smile. When buying a refillable laundry softener, make sure to choose a reputable brand and check the ingredients label to ensure it is truly non-toxic and eco-friendly.

In summary, using a non-toxic laundry softener or fabric conditioner refill is an excellent way to make your clothes feel softer and smell fresher without harming your health or the environment. By choosing a natural fabric softener that is made with essential oils and eco-friendly ingredients, you can enjoy the benefits of soft and fluffy laundry while doing your part to protect the planet.


Using non-toxic laundry detergent products, such as a non-toxic laundry softener or a natural fabric softener, is a great way to protect your health and the environment while getting your clothes clean and fresh-smelling. Eco-friendly laundry products, such as a fabric conditioner refill or a 5L refill liquid, are cost-effective, long-lasting, and free of harmful chemicals that can cause skin irritation, allergies, or respiratory problems.

When combined with a non-biological detergent, a natural fabric softener can help remove tough stains and dirt from your clothes, while also preventing static cling and reducing wrinkles. Plus, it can add a subtle scent of essential oils, such as lavender, rosemary, or eucalyptus, that soothes your senses and uplifts your mood.

At Big Green Smile, we offer a wide range of non-toxic laundry products that are safe, effective, and eco-friendly. From liquid laundry detergent to fabric softener, we have everything you need to create a clean and healthy home environment for you and your family. Our eco refillable laundry products are easy to use, affordable, and reduce waste, as they come in recyclable packaging that you can reuse over and over again.

So, if you want to switch to non-toxic laundry products and enjoy the benefits of a greener and healthier lifestyle, try our non-toxic laundry softener and other eco-friendly laundry products today!

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Carcinogens can be absorbed through the skin or inhaled as fumes, which can increase the risk of cancer. In addition, the carcinogenic chemicals in laundry detergents can also contaminate water sources, putting the health of aquatic life at risk.